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Jamaican-style Teff Porridge

Updated: Feb 15, 2023


Yield - approximately 4 cups

¼ tsp coriander powder

¼ tsp cardamom seed powder

1 ¼ tsp star anise powder

2 TBSP + 1 heaping tsp each of pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds

¼ honey (or other natural sweetener) to taste

1 cup pre-baked teff seeds

1 cup coconut milk

2 cups water


Instant Pot:

  1. Grind all seeds in a spice grinder, coffee grinder or single serve blender jar.

  2. Add water, pre-baked teff, coriander, pink Himalayan salt, coriander powder, cardamom seed powder, and star anise powder to the instant pot. Stir and cover then select the slow cook setting and set for 1½ hours.

  3. Stir after 30 minutes and let cook for another 15 minutes

  4. After 45 minutes of total cooking time, add honey, stir and cover;

  5. Over the next 30 minutes, stir every 15 minutes

  6. After 1 hour and 15 minutes of total cooking time, add coconut milk and all the ground seeds. Stir and you may use an immersion blender to blend it to a smoother consistency.

  7. Cover and let porridge continue to cook until the time beeps.

  8. When the timer beeps, stir and serve*

*Serving Suggestions:

  • Fruit Meal - raw fruits as a side, steamed plantain, stewed beans, and a closed handful of nuts at the end of the meal. Optional add-ins for porridge include chopped dried fruit, 1 TBSP ground flaxseeds and ½ TBSP psyllium husk powder. Note: the ground flaxseeds and psyllium husk powder will thicken the porridge.

  • Vegetable Meal - lettuce as a side, steamed rapini, stewed beans, and a closed handful of nuts at the end of the meal. Optional add-ins for porridge include 1 TBSP ground flaxseeds and ½ TBSP psyllium husk powder. Note: the ground flaxseeds and psyllium husk powder will thicken the porridge.


The porridge can be stored in the fridge for 2 - 3 days and in the freezer for 3 weeks.

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